Early playable Open World Demo build

We are featuring Invector 3rd-person Controllers with Playmaker Integration.

In-game tutorial information is provided within this Demo and you may Quit using the F9 Key.

The Demo supports both Keyboard & Xbox Controller input and showcases the

Save system for Invector Character Controllers Asset.

The save system for Invector Character Controllers is currently in development

Requires Invector 3rd Person Controller & Playmaker

No scripting required, Playmaker visual scripting tool for Unity with States, Actions and Events used to interface with Invector 3rd Person Controllers. 

Additional notes:

Hold down the "E" key or Joystick button "A" to activate the new save player option.

Select the toggle option within a save slot to edit, and enter the new name. Confirm with the "enter" key. Click on the main area of the button to save.